Welcome to the Community Archive for the Essex Parish of Hadstock

The archive is a record of people, places, and events in the Parish of Hadstock, based on contemporary and historic documents, written and illustrated histories, photographs and videos, memories of local people, and various Parish records. The aim is to ensure these are preserved for the community and are available to browse and study.

Covering Hadstock Parish, including the village of Hadstock and the nearby hamlets of Monks Hall and Bowsers, the archive, which is managed by the Hadstock Society, contains over 200 posts, spread across 12 main collections.

Featured Collections


Parish Records

Parish History

Archaeology and Artefacts

To view all 12 collections, please click here.

Supported by:


The archive is owned and maintained by the Hadstock Society. The website has been created with generous donations from the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Diocese of Chelmsford.

Built and supported by Nextnorth Web Design.