Hadstock Magazine

The magazine gives you news of what is happening in the village – events, church services, things to do – as well as an ever changing array of articles, poems, pictures and fun. Just click on the picture of the month’s front cover. 

There are 11 issues a year (December and January morph into one) and an annual subscription is £15 for the printed version. 

The magazine is published by Hadstock Parochial Church Council.

You can access the current Village Magazine in digital format here:

……  and older ones:
















         August 2020      

Contacts for the magazine
Editor:                     Sue Albrow                    hadstockmag@btinternet.com

Distribution:                                                   hadstockmag@btinternet.com
Accounts:               Tim Boyden                    t.k.boyden@btinternet.com
Advertising            Tim Boyden                    t.k.boyden@btinternet.com

The views expressed in this magazine are submitted by readers and are not necessarily the views of the Editor or the Hadstock Parochial Church Council (PCC), and they cannot accept responsibility for goods or services advertised in the magazine, although advertisements are accepted in good faith. The Editor reserves the right to edit or exclude letters and articles that are submitted for publication, and no liabilities are implied or accepted.